SEN at St Luke's - Questions & Answers
Parents Questions
How does our education setting know if children need extra help?
- Information can be received from previous settings, parents, carers, Social Care
- Staff will follow the St Luke’s Pathway to SEND identification.
- Depending on the outcome of above, concerns may be raised by the SENDCo, a teacher, a teaching assistant, a parent or a pupil.
Examples of concerns could be:
- Issues or changes regarding progress, behaviour or development
- Observation of a particular difficulty meeting age related expectations
- Issues raised through assessments such as Speech Links or on entry data
What do I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
The class teacher is the first person you would make contact with if your child is already at school. If your child has not started at St Luke’s, the SENDCo would be the first point of contact and she will speak to you with your child’s future class teacher
How will St Luke’s staff support my child?
Through Individual Learning Plans (ILPs), which all children with an identified SEN need will have. If a child has a specific area of need such as handwriting or phonics they will be placed in an intervention group where they will work closely with a teacher or teaching assistant. The number of other children in the group may vary but the general number is between 2 – 4 children. The next step targets for each pupil and the extra provision offered will be shared with parents at least 3 times per year.
The ILP is reviewed at least three times per year and parents are invited into school to discuss and sign a copy. A copy is provided to the parents at these meetings.
A record of the interventions is kept so that the impact and effectiveness of an intervention can be ascertained.
Impact of interventions are monitored via the school data tracking system and progress/attainment of SEN children are discussed in termly Pupil Progress Meetings.
How will the curriculum at our education setting be matched to my child / young person’s needs?
If a child is identified as having SEN
- They will be entered onto the SEN Register which will be reviewed half termly.
- They will have specific targets and provision planned for them.
- They will have a separate Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).
- Discussion will take place at least 3x per year between the class teacher and parent.
- Teaching Assistants may work with a child 1:1 on specific focused tasks or in a small intervention group.
- Specialist equipment may be given to a pupil to help them such as visual timetables, a wobble cushion, new technologies to support communication or adapted equipment, etc.
- Work may be differentiated by outcome, pace of completion, support offered or by breaking it down into smaller chunks.
- Pre and post learning opportunities may be offered if appropriate.
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Through regular discussions with the class teacher and teaching assistant who are usually available at the start or end of the day.
Through discussions at parents’ evenings and documented in termly ILPs and class reports.
Appointments with the class teacher or SENDCo can be made through the school office.
Recommendations received from an external agency are discussed with parents and pupils.
If an external agency is coming into school to assess your child, provision will be made for you to meet with them and discuss your child.
If a child has specific medical needs, Mrs Hepworth/Miss Cauvain (SENDco) or Mrs Wilton our Medical/First Aid Lead will always meet with you to write a care plan.
What support will there be for my child’s overall emotional health and wellbeing?
We have nurture support via The Wellbeing Room and ELSA/Wellbeing facilitators to support children. If we feel, after discussion with parents, that a pupil requires further expert support we refer to external agencies for counselling and support. We have previously commissioned the work of Play Therapists, Bereavement Counselling, etc.
Class teachers, Teaching Assistants and Senior Leaders are always available to talk.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the education setting? We are supported by a range of professionals who we can access support as appropriate.
- Educational Psychologist
- School Nurse
- Occupational Therapist
- Mental Health workers
- Well-Being Facilitator
- Visual and Hearing Impairment Team
- Speech and Language
- Family Support Workers
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
Headteacher has previous experience teaching in 2 SEN schools and 4 years as SENDCO in previous two form entry school.
EYFS Leader has 2 years previous experience as Inclusion leader in two form entry school
SENDO has extensive experience in several schools as SENDCO (both single form and two form entry schools)
Key Stage 2 Lead is currently completing the NASEN qualification for Special needs coordination. The Headteacher also holds a qualification in SEN co-ordination from Canterbury Chrst Church University.
Variety of SALT training received by numerous support staff and teaching staff across the school.
BR@P training completed by majority of TAs.
Boxhall Profile training completed by Lead TA.
Reciprocal Reading training completed by all teaching staff.
Third Space Maths Intervention training completed by KS2 TA and Deputy Headteacher.
“5 minute box”Intervention training completed by range of staff.
Regular training provided to all staff from Educational Psychologist (Dyslexia, Anti-Bullying, Attachment)
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips and provision for access to Afterschool clubs?
Trips and Activities are always available to all.
In some circumstances, if possible we may ask a parent to accompany a child on an activity.
Risk assessments are written which take into account how we will facilitate the needs of all children.
A wide range of inclusive after school provision is available
How accessible is the St Luke’s environment?
Improvements are continually being made in line with our current Accessibility Plan.
How will the education setting prepare and support my child to join St Luke’s, transfer to a new education setting or the next stage of education and life?
We work with local Secondary Schools during Year 6 to ensure that children can have extra visits, meet with key staff and are aware of the layout of their new school.
The SENDCo also works with Secondary schools to ensure that children with SEND begin to use their supportive strategies during Year 6.
Secodary SENDCo are invited to RON meetings for all children in Yr6 (and Yr5 where appropriate)
When children enter Reception, there are lots of visits between their nursery setting and school.
Extra visits and meetings will be set up as required.
How are St Luke’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
In accordance with the collective and individual needs of the child.
Money is used to provide recommended resources or to deploy staff in line with the recommendations of external professionals.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The type of and amount of support offered will be made based upon:
- Advice from outside agencies
- Pupil progress data and discussions
- Discussion between staff
- Discussion with the child
- Support will be reviewed
How are parents involved at St Luke’s? How can I be involved?
We hold regular open events in school where parents can visit and join in.
Parents can help in school on a regular basis.
We hold concerts, assemblies and sporting events which parents can attend.
Parents are also welcome to join our PTA (Parent Teacher Association) who work hard fundraising for school.
Who can I contact for further information?
KS1 SENDCo Miss Cauvain through the school office.
KS2 SENDCo Mrs Hepworth through the school office.
Answers to Children’s Questions
How does St Luke’s know if I need extra help?
Through something that you or your parents have told us.
We might have noticed that you are struggling with work in class.
Your behaviour or development might tell us that you need support.
You may not be making the usual progress in your work.
You may be showing signs of emotional stress.
What should I do if I think I need extra help?
Speak to your parents and ask them to have a word with your teacher.
Speak to your teacher or another adult who works in your class.
You can add a comment to your work to tell the teacher.
All adults in school will want to help and support you.
How will my work be organised to meet my individual needs?
We can differentiate your work in different ways.
We can give you different resources to help you.
We can break your work into smaller chunks.
We can give you some extra work on a new topic before you start it so you feel more confident.
We may give you help in a small group to help you learn a new skill.
We will listen to you and understand what you find difficult so that we can offer the right kind of support.
How will I be involved in planning for my needs and who will explain it and help me?
Your class teacher and teaching assistants will speak to you.
Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?
The adults who work with you will support you. You might have a list of what you need to do written for you or a visual timetable.
Your teacher and TA will set you targets to help you break big tasks into smaller ones.
We do lots of lessons and assemblies in school to develop resilience, risk taking, resourcefulness, reflection and good relationships.
Everyone has targets to get better at these things and so will you. (With lots of help along the way.)
What should I do if I am worried about something?
Speak to a friend, a parent or an adult in school – we all care and want to help! If you worry a lot, you may have a worry book/diary and use that to communicate with adults at home. We also have Worry Boxes in classrooms.
How will I know if I am doing as well as I should?
We will talk to you regularly.
When your teacher marks your work they will tell you.
Your teacher and TAs will give you feedback during lessons.
Adults will review your targets with you.
You can ask you teacher if you are doing well.
How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my work?
Talk to us about what is worrying you and we will work with you and find people to support you. Access The Well-being Room. Place your concern in the Worry Box
Are there staff in school who have had special training to help young people who need extra help?
Yes we have regular training in areas of SEND.
Staff are trained in lots of intervention programs to help you with your learning.
We have 3 trained SENDCos.
We have lovely teaching assistants who are trained to help when you feel sad, worried, anxious or unconfident.
We can also signpost you to various experts should we need to.
Can school staff get extra help from experts outside the school if they need to? (e.g. advice and training on medical conditions)
Yes. We can get help from lots of different professionals to help with your needs as appropriate
- Educational Psychologist
- School Nurse
- Occupational Therapist
- Mental Health workers
- Well-Being Facilitator
- Visual and Hearing Impairment Team
- Speech and Language
- Family Support Workers
If I have difficulty in taking part in school activities what different arrangements can be made?
How will I know who can help me? Talk to a member of staff with your parents.
Who can I talk to about getting involved in student activities if I need extra help?
If you want to get involved in an activity we will make sure that you can and give you the help you need. Talk to one of the adults in you classroom.
What help is there to help me get ready to start school?
We will speak to you and your parents before you start. We will visit you at your nursery or speak to your previous school so that we have lots of information.
We will usually hold a meeting with the people who help you now so that we have everything in place to help you.
We will speak to your new school before you start. We will make sure that you can visit and meet the people who will help you before you start. We will keep in touch with your new school to make sure they know how to help you.
You can come for a visit too first before you begin.
I am coming to school to prepare for employment – how will I be supported?
We will listen to your dreams and aspirations. We will encourage and support you. We will help you develop social skills, good relationships, resilience, and confidence to take risks, resourcefulness, independence and reflection skills. We will see you as an individual.