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St Luke's School

St Luke's School


At St Luke's School we take every care to ensure all pupils receive appropriate support so that they are able to access effective learning opportunities. To do this we:

  • value all pupils equally
  • reduce as many barriers to learning as we can by having systems and resources in place to identify and intervene
  • provide suitable learning challenges and targets to meet all pupils needs

Those pupils who have a learning requirement significantly different from the majority of children the same age or who have a disability which hinders them from making use of the educational facilities for pupils their age in school have a ‘special educational need’.

At St Luke's School we follow the Education Department’s Code of Practice which outlines procedures and guidance on special educational needs. To do this effectively we:

  • ensure all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated appropriately
  • collect relevant data and use it to plan future lessons from
  • teach according to St Luke's School Teaching and learning policy
  • assess pupils according to the St Luke's School Assessment policy
  • ensure all records are maintained
  • half termly monitor and assess pupils receiving interventions to ensure they are making expected progress, altering them where necessary
  • adjust the transition process according to pupil needs
  • liaise with the Education Support team when necessary
  • develop partnerships with other agencies to support pupils
  • liaise with parents and keep them informed of their child’s progress
  • ensure the school has an up to date Special Educational Needs Policy
  • have an appointed Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo)
  • maintain a register of interventions for pupils with special educational needs
  • ensure general information concerning special educational needs is available to parents on request

The SENDCo will:

  • co-ordinate and implement the operation of the Special Educational Needs policy and ensure that the Code of Practice containing procedures for and guidance on the  identification, assessment and review of pupils’ special educational needs is adhered to
  • liaise with and advise fellow colleagues
  • co-ordinate provision for pupils with special educational needs
  • maintain the school’s special educational needs intervention register
  • oversee and analyse the records for all pupils with special educational needs to identify progress clearly
  • ensure all pupils on the special educational needs intervention register at ‘School Action Plus’ and ‘Record of Need’ are identified on the school Provision map which is reviewed on a regular basis in consultation with parents, but a minimum of once a term
  • liaise with parents of pupils with special educational needs
  • contribute to the INSET training of staff
  • support colleagues in developing teaching strategies to meet effectively the learning needs of pupils
  • liaise with external agencies
  • manage the special educational needs team of teachers and teaching assistants.

All St Luke's School staff follow the procedures in the school policy on special educational needs.

PARM (Planning and Review Meeting)

Every term the SENCO has a meeting with a range of professionals that include the Headteacher, Educational Psychologist, Educational Welfare Officer, Emotional Well Being Officer and a member of the SEMHIT (Social, Emotional, Mental, Health Inclusion Team). In this meeting specific children are discussed and strategies discussed for meeting their needs. 

If any referrals or plans are required,  parents are kept informed every step of the way.

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

In the PARM we may discuss children who need some emotional support. We have an ELSA, Mrs Cullinane, who supports children in the school on a 6 week programme in our ELSA room. Children may also be referred to the Education Emotional Well Being Officer assigned to our school.

Jersey Online Directory

In here you will find all sorts of useful information and details on how to access support groups, services, organisations and activities, in Jersey, that are right for you. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact Citizens Advice Jersey on 0800 735 0249 or click here.