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St Luke's School

St Luke's School


The school prides itself on being a safe and friendly place for pupils, staff and visitors to come and learn. Therefore, we place a strong emphasis on site security and procedures.

  • A member of staff welcomes everyone into to school (either for early work at 8:30am or for the start of the day 8:45am).  At 8:45 the playground gate is closed.  If you arrive and the gate is closed this is a sign that you are late.
  • If you are late, please go to the school main entrance , where you will be signed in, before going to class.
  • Please help to ensure the children arrive at school on time so they do not miss valuable learning.
  • If you forget any belongings at home including packed lunches or swimming kit, you have to check at the office at playtime or lunchtime to see if someone has brought it in to school for you. 
  • Parents/Carers are asked to provide class teachers or the school office with a list of adults whom have permission to collect your child at home time. Staff members will not allow your child to leave with anyone else, so it is vital this list is kept up to date.
  • Parents are welcome to join some of our assemblies. Assemblies start promptly; according to our published timetables (see school newsletters). We ask that parents / carers wishing to attend arrive before the start of the assembly, and will be admitted via the main school entrance.

If you are visiting our school, whilst on our premises, you must observe the following:

  • All staff and visitors must enter through the school's main entrance via the school office.
  • All visitors, including volunteers, must report to the school office before entering the school to sign in and be given a visitors badge. All visitors must sign out at the end of their visit.
  • All visitors to the school are required to produce PHOTO ID at the reception desk, and to wear a Visitor's Badge.
  • Please do not enter the school unless escorted by a member of staff or by prior arrangement.
  • Please do not open doors leading onto secure school premises.
  • If your visit involves working independently with the children you will be asked to produce a current enhanced DBS certificate along with your Photo ID.  You will be allocated with a visitors badge with a green holder.  If you do not have a valid DBS/photo ID you will be unable to work alone with children.  You will be allocated with a visitor badge with a red holder - this indicates to staff/children that you are unable to work with children without supervision.
  • Your safety and wellbeing during your visit are important to us. As a visitor you have a legal duty to care for the Health and Safety of yourself and others.
  • If the Fire Alarm should sound please leave the building by the nearest exit and proceed to the assembly point. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING until you are told it is safe to do so.
  • St Luke's  School operates a NO SMOKING POLICY which we ask you to respect.
  • Staff have the right, and are encouraged, to question anyone on the school premises who they do not recognise.

Visitors can expect to be treated with respect by our staff; in turn we ask that you be polite and respectful whilst on our premises. 

Anyone behaving in an aggressive or disrespectful manner will be asked to leave immediately. Persistent offenders will be banned from the premises.