School Data & Website Report
Progress and Attainment
Our school focusses on the achievement of all children. We measure achievement in the same way as schools across Jersey and the U.K.
Pupils’ achievement is measured in two ways: their progress and their attainment. Progress measures how far the child achieves from their starting point. Attainment measures how high they achieve. For example, a child with a low starting point may make far more progress in their learning than a child who finishes the year with higher attainment. Together, progress and attainment measures tell us how well children achieve at school.
When we assess the children throughout their time with us we use evidence produced by the children (e.g. taken from observing their learning in class, looking at their work in books and also through using standardised assessments) to make judgements about their current attainment and progress.
Each year is roughly 3 terms of learning which is denoted by the steps: ‘E’ Emerging in that band; ‘D’ Developing their skills/knowledge while working within the band; or ‘S’ Secure and confident within the year group curriculum.
Emerging Pupils have been taught the skill but rarely are able to apply their understanding.
Developing Pupils begin to apply their understanding – this is usually with the support of a teacher or adult.
Secure They are consistently working at this level.
How do teachers measure children’s progress?
Children’s independent work is the biggest indicator of what they can do and how they do it. Teachers use this on a daily basis to check pupil understanding and progress. Special pieces of work to inform assessment are set up throughout the year. This is done alongside maths, reading and spelling age tests, phonics assessments in Reception and Year 1, standardised reading and maths assessments and elements of UK national tests in 6 and the EYFS Profile. How is the progress between each step worked out? At St Luke’s we use our tracking system to benchmark progress. This system is used by other local schools and we will moderate our judgements across local schools. All schools also have external moderation from the Education department who moderate work from Reception, Year 2 and Year 6.
What can I do to help my child?
There is so much parents can help with, reading is very important along with time tables, spellings and practicing number bonds. Also completing homework and talking about what your child is learning at school helps support your child’s learning in school. Your class teacher will also give you some specific pointers to help your child at home.
Attainment - 2022-2023 KS2 Results
Data below shows the percentage of children reaching the expected standard (Secure) or higher.
School | Island | National (UK) | |
Reading | 80% | 73% | 73% |
Writing | 80% | 59% | 71% |
Maths | 80% | 63% | 73% |
French | 80% |
Please find below the latest School Data Report produced by CYPES: